プライバシーポリシー プライバシーポリシー
Privacy Policy

Koei Japan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter generally referred to as “the Company”) recognizes that it is our important responsibility as a business operator handling personal information to properly protect the personal information *Note 1(hereinafter referred to as Personal Information) of our customers, business partners, and all other parties who provide personal information to us (hereinafter collectively referred to as Customers), and has established the following Privacy Policy to protect your personal information.

1. Collection of Personal Information

When we ask you to provide us with your personal information, the Company will clearly indicate the purpose for which the Personal Information will be used (“Purpose of Use”).
However, in the following cases, we may omit the presentation of the purpose of use.

○ When you provide us the Personal Information through meetings with our sales representatives, exchange of business cards, etc.
○ When collecting business cards, etc. at various events, fairs, seminars, etc.

In these cases, we may use your personal information to introduce our products and services, provide various information, and conduct marketing activities, including face-to-face sales activities and/or through e-mails, unless you opt out to do so.

2. Management of Personal Information

In order to prevent leakage, falsification, loss, or use for other purposes of personal information, we will strictly manage personal information in an environment with robust security in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, policies or guidelines, and our internal rules.
In addition, we will educate and train our employees on the proper handling of personal information.

3. Use of Personal Information

We will not use Personal Information for purposes other than those indicated as below, except in the following cases:

1. We have the consent from Customers;
2. If the Personal Information is used where the Customer cannot be identified (such as in the statistics, etc.); and
3. If the use of the Personal Information for purposes other than the Purpose of Use is permitted by the relevant laws, regulations, policies or guidelines.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose Personal Information to any third parties, except in the following cases:

1. We have the consent from Customers;
2. If the Personal Information is disclosed where the Customer cannot be identified (such as in the statistics, etc.);
3. Disclosure to agents, subcontractors (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Business Partners”) who are liable to maintain confidentiality to the Company to the extent necessary to carry out the Purpose of Use;
4. When it is reasonably determined that it is appropriate for our Business Partners to respond to your inquiry or request for information, etc., and when the information is disclosed to our Business Partners;
5. When it is required to disclose personal information to financial institutions, etc. for credit card settlement when making payments for the purchase of products or services;
6. In the event that a part of the Company’s business entity is transferred or succeeded by another company (the succeeding company shall make every possible effort to ensure that Personal Information is not leaked or used for purposes other than those for which it was originally intended);
7. If the disclosure of Personal Information to the third party is permitted by the relevant laws, regulations, policies or guidelines; and
8. When instructed by a judicial or administrative body, etc. to disclose or submit information, in accordance with laws and regulations.

5. For Inquiries regarding Personal Information

If you wish to inquire about, modify, or correct your Personal Information, please contact the relevant department or representative of the Company to whom you provided your Personal Information (or the contact information through the website), and the Company will promptly respond to your request in accordance with the procedures designated by the Company.
In such cases, in order to prevent unauthorized acquisition or falsification of Personal Information by a third party, we may ask you to confirm your identity to protect your information.

6. Handling of Your Opinions and Requests

Your opinions, requests, and/or suggestions will be freely used by the Company, unless otherwise restricted in the Purpose of Use.
However, we will obtain your consent in advance prior to publishing or disclosing your Personal Information to a third party in an identifiable form.

7. Handling of Personal Information, etc. on Website
7.1 Use of Cookies Note 2, and IP Addresses Note 3

We may use Cookies and IP addresses for the following purposes on the websites operated by the Company.
1. To identify and resolve the causes of failures and problems that occur on the server
2. To improve the content of the websites and emails.
3. To customize the content of websites and emails for individual users.
4. To use your browsing history, questionnaire results, etc. for marketing activities in membership services where you register your personal information in advance.
5. To use as statistical data in a manner that does not identify certain individuals.

You may decline the use of Cookies by the Company by setting your Internet browsing software (“Browser”) to accept or decline Cookies.
However, declining Cookies may restrict the use of some function on our website.

7.2 Links from Our Website

Our Website may contain links to the websites of other corporations and organizations.
Although we exercise adequate care on the selection of such links, we cannot be held accountable for the protection of your Personal Information or content of websites other than our own.

8. Compliance with the Laws and Regulations

The Company will comply with the laws and regulations applicable to Personal Information as well as the internal rules established by the Company.

July 29, 2024

Koei Japan Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Mamoru Iwamoto

This Privacy Policy may be amended according to the changes in the relevant laws, regulations, policies or guidelines, or our internal rules, therefore, we recommend that you regularly check for updates.

Note 1: Personal Information refers to information about an individual collected for business purposes, such as your name, age, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, email address, place of employment, credit card number, etc. and that can be used to identify a specific individual through one or more of these combinations.
Note 2: Cookie is identifying information that a server sends to and stores in your Browser, in order for the website to operate efficiently.
Note 3: IP Address is a set of numbers which can identify the computer accessing the server (it cannot identify the user of the computer).

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