社長メッセージ 社長メッセージ

Everything is connected.

We are working on to realize a sustainable society.

Mamoru Iwamoto Mamoru Iwamoto

Everything is connected.

We are working on
to realize a sustainable society.

As a top runner of the recycling industry

Thank you very much for visiting the website of KOEI JAPAN Co., Ltd.

A quarter century has passed since we became involved in the recycling industry. I feel that it is very important that things that are no longer needed by our customers can be of use to the world somewhere, and also contribute to the global environment and future generation. There is no doubt that this is an indispensable business to realize a sustainable society.

In fulfilling this great responsibility, the most important thing for us is to carry out proper treatment in compliance with laws and regulations. We will promote the image of the entire industry as a leading company in the recycling industry, with our foremost priority being to protect the relationship of trust with our customers and local communities through compliance.

“Sustainable Society” in Workplace

In order to achieve a sustainable global environment, it is also essential to create a better environment for our employees. A sustainable society is not just about the global environment, but can also be applied to how pleasant and rewarding the workplace is for our employees.

The first step is to create a working environment where employees can work with enthusiasm. This can lead to a higher level of customer satisfaction at the end. To this end, the profit we make from the recycling business is invested into the company’s working environment and further development of technology, to keep motivating our employees.

KOEI JAPAN is a company where employees get along well, and we take pride in our teamwork. Please feel free to come and visit our company for a tour. As we have in the past and will continue to develop a solid relationship that does good for both our customers and ourselves, we would like to aim to be a company that is friendly to both people and the earth.

Chief Executive Officer
Mamoru Iwamoto
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